Monday, October 17, 2011

A Still small voice! Kings 19:12 By Spurgeon

How does God touch our hearts? Our heavenly Father generally uses a soft, tender, gentle, quiet, calm, and peaceful – still, small- voice. Softly and gently, the Holy Spirit works like the breath of spring dissolving icebergs and melting glaciers. After winter has taken every stream by the throat and held it fast, spring sets it free. No hammer or file is heard as the icy bonds fall off; only the soft south wind blows, and all is life and liberty.

So it is with the work of the Holy Spirit when He comes into the soul. He can be a mighty rushing wind (Acts 2:2), for He comes according to His own sovereign pleasure. Yet when He brings the peace of God, He usually descends as the dove (Matt. 3:16) or as the dew from heaven – all peace, all gentle, and all quiet.

Satan can set the soul on fire with agony, doubt, fear, and terror.  Then the Spirit comes in tender love and reveals Christ the Gentle one.  He sets up the Saviour’s cross and speaks peace, pardon, and salvation.  This is what we want and need: the work of the Spirit of God coming in His own manner of living hope.

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