Thursday, June 2, 2011

Encouragement to a person struggling with ADD related issues and feelings of failure.

My dear Beloved Treasure, who struggles with ADD

God made you and chose you for His honour and glory, just the way you are. He thinks you are a wonderful creation, and loves you just the way you are. Imagine if we were all the same 'perfect' robot like people?

Always try your best, and don't give up before you have tried your best. If you still feel you have failed, remember... (1) it was never a waste of time to try- you learnt something from the experience. Even in 'failure' you can still honour God. (2) God has got something special for you to do, sometimes a change of direction is not a is going where God wants you to go. Wherever God chooses for you to be, He can be honoured and glorified!

Trials bring us closer to God, give us more compassion for others and help strengthen us and mature us.

Don't work for people, always do your best for God, if people don't like you...always remember how much God loves you!

Write things down. Don't try to do too much at once. Don't panic. Don't give up when you panic, just keep trying! Figure out a routine and stick to it, get someone to help you stick to it.

Remind people that you have a disability only if appropriate. Sometimes some people will never understand, don't waste your time. Sometimes people will just treat you as dumb; don't waste your time explaining. Sometimes it is better to keep a distance, retain some privacy...maybe for professional reasons or even personal reasons. Remember once you have told someone you can't take it back. For others it is good for them to know and be reminded - An invisible disability is sometimes harder than an obvious one as everyone forgets how hard it is for you....remember that sometimes 'they' need to realise that what they are asking you to do is like asking someone in a wheel chair to go up a flight of stairs!

But saying that, don't let that be an excuse for not doing your best. Or for gently apologising when you have done wrong. If you have people on your side, they are much more likely to be empathetic/ kind to you. It takes courage to be gentle when you do not have fairness and understanding. You don't ever have to allow people to be abusive towards you - if they are verbally bullying you, mocking you - walk away, ask others for help - it is not acceptable behaviour.

Making mistakes is not the end of the world; it is just part of growing in the Lord. We all make mistakes and try and learn from them.

God bless, with much love :-)

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