Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What is the chief end of Man? What is the purpose of our existence?

In conservative Conservative Christian circles, most of our little kids can answer the question, "What is the chief end of Man?" "To glorify God and enjoy Him forever." But do we put this into practice in our daily living? Or do we have a 'humanistic Christianity', where our chief end is to find satisfaction and happiness and God becomes the means to this?

The following is a series of quotes by preachers who have looked at revival and this issue over the years. As one of them says, "It's not what you are going to get out of the glory of God. It is about what He is going to get out of you. Let us be done once and for all with utilitarian Christianity, which makes God the means instead of the glorious end that He is."

Clips of following speakers included in this message: Ian Paisley, Leonard Ravenhill, Paris Reidhead, Duncan Campbell, A.W. Tozer, T. Austin Sparks. 

May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering...

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