Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Prayer to turn around Worry (the Thief of Worship):

Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight.” Ex 33:13

Dear God of the universe, King of all ages. If we were to be able to go out far enough, out into your immense universe we would not even be able to see the tiny pinprick of our world, never mind a single human being upon our earth. Yet you know how many hairs we have on our heads, you know when one fall.
How puffed up with self-bigness, with arrogant thinking, to think that you would not be able to care for us and cloth us…for you are immense and without boundaries, you are the almighty, all powerful God who owns a thousand hills and all the cattle thereon. You oh God - are you not the one who keeps the mighty roaring oceans in place? Are you not the one who has hewn the highest mountaintops? Why should we be so concerned that you shouldst forget to take care of us when you, oh God, never slumber, nor sleep? Why should we be so concerned that you may chose a hard and treacherous path for us to walk when you are the everlasting one true God with no beginning and no end and you have loved us with an everlasting, covenantal, perfect love. Why should we be so worried about our future possible hardships when you have delivered us from the evil one and his purposes and bought us with your own blood and brought us to a wondrous love relationship, the most beautiful of all? No matter what you may plan to befall us…. nothing, no nothing will separate us from your love. For even in the valley of the shadow of death you are with us, you are our great and tender Good Shepherd.

Oh how ashamed we ought to be for forgetting you as the God of Noah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. You are the God of Mosses who parted the Red Sea for His people and sent manna and quails, and carved in your very own hand the commands which reflect to us your character and how we may obey you and learn of true happiness in following your commands to a life in all its fullness. You are the God of Esther, the God who gave Ester’s husband a listening ear and a kindly king’s heart towards her; you are the King of all kings.  You are the God who saved His people from wicked plans of annihilation through Esther and Mordecai’s faithfulness and supplications. You are the God of Ruth and Boaz and of Naomi, the God who cared enough to arrange perfect tender, tiny little details of food and marriage and the blessings of a grandchild for an old bitter woman who had suffered years of hardship and disappointment. You are the God of Samuel, and Daniel, of all your prophets of old who suffered greatly to see your people need your hand of discipline upon them again and again… You are the God of Paul in all his treacherous hardships, the God of Stephen.

And you are our God… oh what love, that you have cared for us and planned, in your divine sovereignty, for our lives since before the beginning of time. Why should we worry when your word so clearly tells us of who you are? Oh Lord, cause us deep misery when we worry instead of worship, for it is sin and does not allow us to honour your most holy name. Yes, cause such deep misery that, in your grace, we may be moved to love you more and serve you better. For you, oh God, are worthy and you in a mysterious way take deep pleasure in our enjoyment of you our God. It is by your grace that you have drawn us, by your grace may we see you more clearly and love you more dearly.

“Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight.” Ex 33:13

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