Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Divided: A brilliant free movie!

This brilliant movie is free 'till September 2011. Not to be missed - it is a powerful train of thought, in a world where our thinking is so wrong!

It addresses the whole issue of why children and youth fall away from Christianity in our age. It looks at both history and trends around the world but most of all looks at the Bible for answers. Are we taking our God given responsibility when it comes to our children?Do we let the children come to CHrist or do w shove them away?

Official Divided the Movie (HD Version) from NCFIC on Vimeo.

On a similar topic/theme, listen to this sermon by Voddie

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Free Blank Timeline Book: By Joy Murray © 2011

Are looking for a timeline template? Do you want to make your own timeline? Are you wanting to create your own Book of Time/ Book of Centuries? Look no further, I have just finished my own time line book of templates for my family and I am more than happy to share it with you: 

A Free Blank Timeline Book:
By Joy Murray © 2011

Do you need a free ready to go Blank Timeline Book, Book of Centuries or Book of Time? A timeline book that is easy to use and print? And cheap! This timeline book can be used on it's own in a binder/file or in a scrap book and it is also highly suitable to use as a wall  timeline.It is horizontal/landscape orientated. And have full instructions for printing included.
Add your own timeline figures, or google free figures or just write in your timeline entries. (It can be used with all popular christian education texts, Mystery of History, Story of the World, Amy Pack History figures, Dianna Warring, Abeka, Sonlight etc.)

I also have a section for personal family history too - so use this chance to keep your family history alive and to make memories! Make a family heirloom that your children can take with them into adulthood and leave their legacy for their children too.
Leave a comment with your email address; please add the history program you are using, and the reason why you are interested in this free document. And I will email you a free word document that you can use to custom make your own timeline with no effort at all. If you do not want me to publish your comment below, please let me know in the contents of your comment.

Here is a good link to timeline making:

For your Free Blank Timeline Book,email me or leave a comment! 

Happy memory making together!