Saturday, April 24, 2010

Snippets of my South African Heritage:

I spent most of my childhood in Cape Town and grew up in the apartheid era. I still have very strong ties emotionally to South Africa, I do not talk about them much, except to speak to my children. But I do write privately as I try and figure it all out. Here are just a few snippets from YouTube that I came across yesterday (I do not agree with everything represented here) grab a cup of coffee and come and walk with me across my land, and experience some of the interesting and frustrating things that make me an African, the things I love and hate, the things that make me cry, and even though I live away, they are the things that make me an 'African'.

Hierdie is van die Kaap af (this is from the Cape) .....

District 6:

As a kid i would have driven past district six each time I went to the city. I was always aware of it's history and sadness. Most of the land itself stood empty and barren all my childhood, here are two snippets of the background...

And on the other side off the city you get a well preserved glimpse of history. This is where the dressmaker who did my wedding dress lived and so it bring back happy memories for getting ready for my wedding( 21 years this year: forgot to blog it on the 25th March) :

Bo Kaap


In our Western culture we have no word for the African word Ubuntu, it is a word that describes how a human being is a certain way because of the people, the community they have lived with and because of who has influenced them. I have heard Westerners dismiss it as humanism, but I feel they do not understand the concept for an African point of view. Ubuntu talks about love, kindness and compassion...these things are are not only dependant on Christians in terms of their existence. From a Christan point of view, I believe that as humans we all fall under God's general grace, and have these things as part of our blessings in life. I often wonder if as Western Christians we forget to live in a close way because of our culture....we have little concept on practical day to day living about what Ubuntu is about. Here is what Nelson Mandela says about Ubuntu:

The Ubuntu Experience (Nelson Mandela Interview)

Further random snippets.....

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, on how ubuntu is comes to the fore in present AIDS epidemic.

Tutu on forgiveness I am an African - Thabo Mbeki

Jacob Zuma, the president for South Africa today:

Here is an interview with him reflecting on his rise to power.

Afrikaners the only white African tribe

People still suffering in SA

And from tourist point of view: which makes me chuckle at some mistaken and what is missed, I wonder if I am as 'touristy' here in Oz?

this one is better,

Friday, April 23, 2010

Saying the important things....

Many years ago my father said something like this of a is not so much what he says that is wrong, but what he chooses not to say from the pulpit that could and ought to be said.

Certainly it is an important concept that can be well applied to bringing up children. May we not neglect to be diligent in teaching our children well and thoroughly! And not neglect being available listeners and talkers, and parents who pray with their children often on matters of importance. May we be clearly leading them in the paths they should go and touching their hearts with love in the process. May we choose to say what our children need to hear and chose to say what we ought to say. May we not be apathetic, forgetful or cowardly on matters of importance.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Best 8 year old Gift a Mom could have....

Eight years ago I received a precious gift from God. It is a gift that took some hours of work to help it finally arrive....but the reward was, "oh so sweet” / “good as gold". It was a heavenly gift given in New Zealand, a Kiwi gift. How I love this gift, it is a treasure worth more than it's weight in gold. It has many facets. My interest in it never wanes. It is a gift that can produce great works of art; it inspires great religious and philosophical thoughts. I have treasured it and never for a moment would I part with it. I enjoy it every single day. It is a gift that makes me so happy that it makes me laugh and laugh. Sometimes when this gift is broken I cry and cry and pray and pray until the Maker of the gift has done the repairs. Words cannot tell of it's great worth and of the great joy I have each day from this gift...Happy Birthday Emma! You are indeed a precious gift from God!

Emma loves God and His beautiful creatures and creation. Her best friend is her brother Timothy (Minty/Tim Tam). And she is very close to her big sisters too. Adoringly she plays with her 'baby' brother. She complains when her big brothers tease her, but secretly she has a lot of fun with them too. She hates them winking at her and so of course they love to wink at her! She faithfully feeds and waters our 'not so little kitten' everyday. She is an artist par excellence. And she adores our pet dogs and cats. Catching lizards and geckos in our garden has long been a favourite past time. Emma loves photography....most of the photographs here were taken by Emma. I praise and thank God for our beautiful and precious gift!

Birthday Girl!Flying like the wind, on her new bike with Granny and Grandad

and the rest of the gang, just watches...
Emma with the kids...

Taking photographs of little brothers is fun!

As is taking photographs of her art.

Emma's takes photographs of her pets

Did I say her favourite animal is a horse? This is as big as her horses get though!

In fact Emma loves to take photographs of just about anything! There is nothing safe and no one safe from the lens when Emma is prowling the house with a camera! She even managed to capture our real life mess and the dirty washing which one brother just dumped on the floor, see if you can spot it!

(Trying on big boy clothes)

Two Hundred and Fifty Photographs in just one day with at least as many duds deleted by her mother....Needless to say she now knows how to delete as she goes along now! Happy Birthday our fun photographer!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Missing you too and Maths etc

Sorry Alison

I cannot figure out how to reply to a comment so I will have to do it here, see below!

Tony and Alison Gilchrist said... Hello dear sister,

Missing you. Even though I haven't been at church to miss you! Just got back from a week with my family in Sydney today! Just wondering about Saxon that the one you recommended to me?? Couldn't quite remember. Would you please be able to check this link out for me if Saxon Maths is the one you mentioned. Is that a good saving??
love Alison

Hi Alison

I can't begin to tell you how much we have all missed everyone at church as well. You are all still so very much loved and very,very much in our prayers. God has been very good to us... for He heals the broken hearted and binds our wounds; He has humbled us and used our broken hearts to draw us near to Him. He has given us hearts of tremendous love and compassion, of trembling prayfulness and of peace, beyond understanding, by His merciful grace! I have never been with a group of people so aware of God's love and grace, so humble in the deep distress at unintended hurts that have been caused due to circumstances, so trembling in prayer for those who are hurting as they are aware that they themselves cannot heal these hurts. So eager to serve God as He wants them too. And so I thank God for such a touching and humbling experience indeed. I cannot always chose the path my children must walk and that I find the hardest ( I wish I could protect them all from hurts) but I pray that the way He shows us to go will always be used to lead them closer to Him.

Timmy is soooo looking forward to Elliot's birthday party, he checks the invitation regularly! He has missed Elliot a lot already! I hope you have had a lovely time in Sydney!

Re early maths....I love Saxon for Grades 1,2 and 3. I have also tried Singapore Maths G1 too, also good. I have both if you want to see them and compare. The only weakness of Saxon at this level for me personally is teaching of 10s and ones/units etc. But that is easily solved with a bit of imagination, as not hard to teach. My best friend actually likes the way they teach it - so it is just a matter of personal reference. I also like Teaching Textbooks but that only starts at grade 4 level. My bright boys have used Saxon all the way through, they have two different 'CD ROM teachers at upper levels. Also for the upper level... Paul B. looked at Saxon as did a USQ maths lecturer and both said it was easily at the very top levels of maths in the schools. For this reason I always start with Saxon to see where their maths ability is at as it is harder to get into it later, I think, maybe??

Re price..yes, that looks very good and is even cheaper than Rainbow's usually cheapest of cheap prices ( ) Both companies are good and efficient with mailing things, compare mailing prices, Rainbow is cheaper if you have a big order, so I usually share an order with others! Rainbow and Christian Books are my two most used companies. I also love Timberdoodle , but they carry fewer things. Sometimes Timberdoodle are cheaper than the publishers themselves!

Thank you for your friendship and prayers, God bless my dear friend, love Joy