Friday, March 26, 2010

Free Bible Story Colouring Pages for children:

Train up a child in the way he should go!

Duet 6:4-9 (ESV) The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

I have been meaning to get this set up for ages, as many people have asked for it over the years. The best by far is the first one (Calvary Chapel) as they are firstly the most comprehensive and secondly they have quizzes etc for older children too. (I noticed as I was looking around that there are are many other sites using their pictures with no acknowledgement to them) All the links below were found in relation to 'Easter' or 'Passover' searches. There is heaps out there to chose from, don't forget too that there are a number of Jewish sights which have OT stories. I ntice too that the most popular stories are easily found, others are harder to find sadly. Any artists out there feel burdened to provide free drawings for all the Bible? In places like Africa there is so little money for buying of curriculum, so 'free' is the only thing they can afford. It is my dream to see more good quality Bible teaching materials on line for this purpose....leave a comment if you have any other sugestions!

The best one:


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today in history

In 1452 the first book was printed, it was the Guttenberg Bible!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Blessed is the man....

Psalm 1 describes a very special person, a man who knows God intimately and is therefore blessed in a special way! Our dear friend Ted/Mr Pearce was such a man! This is a tribute to Mr Pearce! Many thanks to Bev for allowing me to publish it! We still miss our Mr Pearce very much but continue to be very blessed by your friendship Bev, Mrs Pearce or Aunty Bev as the children refer to you at home with true South African affection!

From 17th October 2009:
The last few weeks have been profoundly sad for us as a family as our dear friend Ted Pearce, from Grace Bible Church, has deteriorated health-wise and gone to be with our Lord.

You are, I am sure, expecting me to tell you that our dear Mr Ted Pearce was a peer of ours....but he was not and this is what has made him so special to us as a family! He is my parents' age and so had no 'usual' reason to be drawn to us as a family, he had no kids our kids' age or common hobby, etc. and yet he was profoundly instrumental in making us feel at home when we first went to Grace. He had befriended every single member of our family, right down to the littlest and the shyest. Each one has had him talk to him/her on numerous occasions over the short while we have known him. Each child can relate a story from his childhood or a story about his trip to Botswana to visit his missionary daughter or information he shared with them on a topic like photography. And all this was mostly done on Sundays as we were waiting for the library work to be finished with Bev after church. Ted has known us all, loved us all and I am sure prayed for us all as of God like this are a real rarity these days. I truly mourn at the loss of such a godly example (for my boys especially).

As a homeschooling family we are flexible enough for us all to have attended his memorial/thanksgiving service - what a blessing for us to all have been there as part of the community remembering Ted's life. (Real-life living and learning! ) And what a testimony that life was. A number of things really stood out for me....

Ted was brought up in a godly Christan family....the fruit of his parents lifestyle and love for God and him were evident in the way Ted lived his life...praise God for such families, may we be such a family too.

His daughter Sandra told of how as a little girl, she would always find her father reading his Bible and praying early in the morning in his office...always! I am sure that this is where the seeds of true love and godliness deep and consistent Bible reading and prayer and meditation. This example has led me to wonder how I could encourage all our children to remember to spent time like this with God and we have now a new habit where we all have Bible reading together at the same time. The children then share what they have learnt form their reading. As everyone is reading in a different place it has been interesting to see how God touches each person differently. We, as a family, all talk of Ted's kindness....I think kindness at this phenomenal level as Ted had, is a kindness cultured in prayer. It is the result or fruit of prayer. Such kindness may just happen in small doses for easy going, really nice people but for it to be consistent and overwhelmingly obvious as Ted's was, I believe reflects his closeness to God.

His son Rodney talked of how he felt accepted by his father, even when he did something wrong....I wonder how many children have such a wonderful testimony? Rodney called his father his best friend, someone he loved to talk with. Not only was Ted kind but he loved deeply.

His daughter Sandra now works as a missionary in Botswana with her husband, while Rodney is a pastor in America with his lovely wife and 3 children and another on the way. One of my fondest memories of Ted is seeing him with his grandchildren at the beginning of the year...sitting them on his knee and just chatting and laughing with them and with our children. Taking his littlest granddaughter by the hand and giving her juice and a biscuit at precious was his love for of my children said, "Mr Pearce makes me think of Jesus when he is with children."

The thing that touched me most of all at the thanksgiving/memorial service was the telling of the ways in which Ted showed his love for his wife Bev.

My last sight of Ted was of him clutching Bev's hand as they walked away from church on one of his last visits to Church. His health had deteriorated so that he could no longer talk much and yet he was showing her without words how dearly he loved her! That will forever be a picture etched on my memory!

We were told at his Thanksgiving service how he always had a marriage book besides his bed...what does that say about Ted? He must have believed one is never too wise to be reminded to love one's spouse in some special way or to learn new things about understanding one's spouse! He took his God given responsibility to love Bev very seriously -what an inspiring testimony!

It was told how he left notes for Bev to read of his love for her...and of how he would remember anniversary dates for all sorts of things. Near the end when he could barely talk, Bev took him for a drive, on the way home he kept giving Bev directions...left, left....etc. until they came to a place where they had had a romantic meal together before....he wanted to repeat the special occasion. He expressed his years of practised love for Bev so perfectly, even after he had not the words to tell of it!

I have since talked with my children, my boys especially....such charming and romantic behaviour may come more naturally to some...but it is also a choice, a practised habit, a well planned habit, a nurtured decision to be a certain way - which becomes more and more worthwhile as it goes be sentimental/romantic in this way, is to encourage a friendship or to nurture a love. Even more it is God's plan to reflect His love for us His church , His bride! It is not something to be taken lightly.

I ask my boys, "practise now", if you want to be like Mr Pearce when you are older...learn to be sentimental, remember your siblings birthdays, pick a flower for your mother or sister, send a letter - put effort into relationships, put prayer into those who love you....Oh how lacking we are in our society of such a beautifully rich and full and romantic life. We are too busy, too rushed, too full, too crowded, too instant and too cluttered to cultivate romance and sentimentalities at their best.

As I come to the end my hubby who has looked over my shoulder reminds me that we have only been at Grace for about 18 it really that short that we have known and loved our Mr Pearce? It feels like he has always been our family's friend. I wish it could have been for longer...but how happy I am for him that he is in the best place in all the universe -heaven! Right there close to God and happy, perfectly holy and praising God with all his might.

I was chatting to my son him Mr Pearce would seem an old man- for me he was still young...a man whose life was cut short at it's best moment....he had so much more to give to so many people. So... is our God still good when a life, so lovely, is cut short by cancer? his son said when he preached at the memorial service...a resounding "yes, our God is still good."

God has indeed touched many people over the years through Ted's life. I know his life will affect generations to come as Ted has nurtured his wife and moulded his children - all who they come into contact with are touched with the special love Ted encouraged in them- God's love.

You have to go to the end of this one to see the most spectacular!

This and this are Mt Ruapehu which exploded in NZ in '95, the year Joshua was born. We lived just a few hours away from the volcano in New Plymouth, near Taranaki! This is awesome footage!

And here is White Island, which we could see off the coast when we went walking on the beaches when we lived in Tauranga, NZ and this is what we would have seen from the distance, if strolling on the beach on a clear day

Top 1o

Volcanoes of long ago:

Here is information about the volcano that destroyed the pink and white terraces in NZ in the 1800's

History of volcanoes

God is grieved

God is grieved more by our bitter feelings, our lack of love, our hate and envy--than He is with little omissions in religious ceremonies and formalities.

J. R. Miller, "Devotional Hours with the Bible" 1909

Good Worship

Worship .... I think most Christians today are blessed to understand, that worship is every aspect of our life...the entire day and night of loving God, and adoringly doing all to please him in every way!

But in the church context there is often a muddling of ideas. Our aim should always be to be perfectly focused on our God and nothing should distract us from the purpose of bringing public focus entirely on God. There is no room for performance or entertainment. There is no room for people focus or a 'me, me, me' focus. We should look at every aspect of our wonderful creator as is possible in the given time. Or slowly develop one aspect of his character for meditation and deep pleasure of who our awesome God is.

Like a jewelery artist who is given a very valuable gem and must study it before he makes something out of it. So we too should see God as our treasure and enjoy just gasping at who He is. Or like an artist who is given the gift of a master's painting. He is filled with delight. He looks close, he looks from further aback but he cannot take his eyes of the delightful feast. He cannot contain the joy as he looks on at the beauty. So we too in public worship should be moved to worship our God of beauty without distraction from the joy of who our Lord is. He does not need props. He is God and in Him there is joy, and enough of it too. For there is joy to be found in knowing and understanding who he is.There is no performer who can bring that to us, no entertainer, no atmosphere. It is God who is to be worshipped alone. And in this is there true joy that will last!

We should never be moved emotionally because of music or atmosphere, for this is not worship. Worship is a total adoration, and knowledge of who God is and what He has done for us, by His grace! Tonight we heard Jonathan Saffarti talk about how complex each cell is in our bodies is, with a little engine making energy and a little something else moving protein from a to b along a little track, with two little leg like things and there is so much more in the complex DNA system of each cell....this God who is in control of every cell in our bodies is the God who keeps the universe in orbit. He touches each blade of grass, each rose petal with a dew drop. He paints a new sunset each night and new sunrise for each morn. He is the God who died for our sins - the price paid! He frees us from guilt. What an awesome, majestic, gracious God we serve!

May we serve Him well in our worship!

Good Preaching: What is it?

Good Preaching

A good sermon should set your heart on fire with a passionate love and adoration for your Creator, His word, His world and the people in His world. You should takes the gems found in a good sermon and go back to the scriptures, preferably literally - but if need be,due to time constraints or physical circumstances, only in your mind and this should be an ongoing process through the week. You should then let these gems mould your character and change your way of thinking and living without distraction or compromise.

A good sermon does not end with a prayer at the end of the service but with a wonderfully good change in our everyday worship and adoration of God in all we do through the week... for as we see God more clearly we are inspired and in fact cannot help ourselves but to love Him more dearly.

If one has reached a point of thinking you have learnt it all, you have learnt nothing at all! And a good preacher should make you realize this each time he opens the word of God for you! For we can as human beings never know God well enough and therefore never love Him as much as He deserves.

2Timothy 3: 14 - 17 But you must continue in all things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, And that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Jesus Christ. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction and righteousness. That the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

I would like to build a list of links that will take you to good sermons to listen to. In our modern day and age we are wonderfully blessed to be linked up via the internet to some of the most gifted preachers and most Godly men that the world has known. I say this not to set these men on a special pedestal but to encourage you to listen to some of these sermons and see just how wonderful it is to be touched by the word of God in this way! Let me know if you can suggest others!

(1) Here is our first link,

For years in Tauranga Al Martin complimented our preaching as we were a small group with no full time pastor (good preaching takes many hours a week to prepare for) Al Martin preached to us in our lounge or in other homes as we met together as a small group, when it was too much for our working men to prepare a sermon and Bible study each week. Some people may have looked at us and thought 'poor them' but those years were our richest years in terms of spiritual growth. And such growth is available to all who want it now with the internet making things so accessible. It was a sermon preached by Al Martin on Christian education that convinced us when Jessica was a baby that we would home school, so for us the repercussions of listening to good preaching have been tremendous on a practical level. This is a very obvious example but I am sure in hundreds of other ways good preaching effects our daily lives.

(2) I have been receiving Grace Gems Daily Devotional (old puritan writings) for a while now and have found them encouraging, here is their audio sight

And here is their home page

(3) Monergism has a great list of links to good sermons

(4) Stuart Olyott has good sermons that you can download. Here is the home page

The series, "This we Believe "is a series based around the outline of the 1646 Westminster Confession of Faith. See We have started listening to it as a family and my parents have been listening to them with their church group for some time now and can recommend them.

(5) Here is a good web site where you can download sermons from South Africa Martin Morrison taught us at The ' Y' , while Doug and I were at UCT where we met each other.

(6) is the link for free John Macrthur semons.

(7) John Piper Sermons, you can also get many of his books downloaded for free.

(8) We have also enjoyed Timothy Keller's series on Hebrews. Although we do not know his other work.

(9) Sugested churches in greater Brisbane:

Berea Bible CHurch, Waloon QLD

Samford Baptist, QLD