Saturday, December 26, 2009

Celebrating Christmas

Celebrating Christmas is a special time of our year, as we remember the greatest gift of all gifts.....Jesus our Saviour! We had our Grace Bible Church's Christmas service on Christmas Eve, then went to Samford for my parents Christmas service on Christmas morning. Samford was the first church that welcomed us to Brisbane , although we have never been close enough to go there, we have always enjoy staying in touch!

When you have had Christmas without extended family in years past, due to immigrating. You cannot but truly treasure the 'being together' when it happens....what a blessing to be with Granny and Grandad this Christmas! The rest of the family is always sorely missed. The longing to see them never ever goes away! My Oupa will be 90 next April, and it is nearly 16 years since I have seen my Oupa and Ouma. I miss my sister, Ruthie too. And Doug's Mom and sister, Hazel. ( At least his sister Pauline comes to visit with her famly every few years, but we still miss them too) I have not seen my aunties, uncles and cousins in nearly 16 years and I have never seen any of the cousin's children. How blessed we are to have our dear and precious children though and today(boxing day) we spent with dear friends...God is indeed good! So here a "few" of our Christmas photographs!

Morning tea


Mr Choc

Miss Choc

Cuddles with Groot Sussie ( Big sister)

Cuddles with Granny

New additions to Jessica's mug collection, from Granny and Grandad!

My Mr Clever Puzzle Man

Mr Shy ( or is he our Mr Clown?)


Three - got him!

Mr Sporty

Sisterly love

Miss Patient: Waiting for presents!

Time for Christmas cracker/bonbon jokes

Miss Creative: Eating her gingerbread man creation, with LOTS of lollies/sweeties

Emma's newly adopted second hand Velveteen Rabbit (Who could leave the abandoned Velveteen Rabit in a second hand shop, with nobody to love him!He now has to sleep with Emma in case the story really can come true! I should make up a modern story of our Velveteen Rabbit.)

My Mr Clever Puzzle Man the second: serious concentration!

Or is it Mr Sporty the 2nd? ( or Mr Serious...he did laugh and enjoy is day, we just didn't manage to catch a smile on camera:( )

What a joke....Jarryn had just been pretending to take a huge bite out of our Christmas cake, recipe from Simply Da Best, delicious! At two he can really enjoy a joke like this!

Mommy Joy

Our Table (before we ate!)

Christmas Pudding, recipe from Simply Da Best. Also meringues and ice cream, with home made concoctions.

Later we took our visitors to the park for a night time play, just missing the rain.

A very tired 'glow-in-the-dark' Christmas angel!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Blessings to you this Christmas

Matthew 2:11 And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh

As wise men may we spend the day worshipping God in all we do and may we have a blessed New Year giving God of the best gifts we can give!

Aspergers, a brilliant write up!

Here is a brillliant article describing Aspergers Syndrome! Do keep this link to read after your busy Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Please Pray

Our dear Christain friends in New Zealand have just been told there is nothing more that can be done for his cancer. Please can you uplift them in your prayers at this time. They were very close to my Mom and Dad who have just left New Zealand to live near to us, so they will be feeling this loss of friendship too. Thank you!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dear Dorothy

I can't get to comment on my or any one elses blogs/posts tonight for some strange reason? And I am too techncally challanged and tired to figure out why? So I will just coment on a comment here! The origional post was on Aspergers adn Neurotypcal. see
This is the comment

dorothy said...

Well written! As mom to kids all over the neurological spectrum I love to see other moms appreciating the differences in people. Life sure isn't easy in our homes - but is it supposed to be?
20 December, 2009 00:14

And my

Hi Dorothy....too true, sometmes God takes us places we never thought we would manage and yet we do manage in His strength and land up being closer to Him through it, by His grace....."consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds!" Coping well has a lot to do with the attitude you start off with, I think. (I so like your attitude and enjoy following your blog! Praying God will be close to you in the next few very busy weeks/months) See these other blog postings along a similar thinking!