I have been deeply effected by children's suffering of late. Tonight I saw a photo of a big Australian Aid Worker stooping beside a tiny child with
kwashiorkor - the contrast was horrifically startling. As I stared at this photo I realised that this child was on the way to recovery and not the worst I have seen, yet what a contrast!
As a mother I wish I could take all the pain away and make it all better - I would give my life to help a precious dear one to suffer less. My heart breaks inside, in agony I pour out my soul to my Lord for those who suffer. When I suffer I ask that it will give me understanding for those little ones who suffer more, that I might encourage and help them with more gentleness and Christ-like tenderness.
It suddenly struck me tonight that this is how much (and more) our Lord Jesus loves us....in fact He did actually give His life for us, that we may have life in all it's fullness. His heart breaks when we suffer in this sinful world, He longs to bring us home to an eternity of pain free, tear free, joyous living. He uses our suffering to bring us closer to Him in love, closer to experiencing heaven. We are told that Jesus intercedes for us at the right hand of God, that the Spirit groans for us, where there are no words to express... (Romans 8). Just as I beg for help for children so my Lord and my Counsellor beg/intercede on my behalf to my Abba Father.
Oh, what gloriously secure love I have....for a moment we suffer in this world but we have an eternity of comfort and joy to look forward to. We need so much more to better love those who suffer, better protect, better care for them - may the Lord give His church many little ones to care for in such a manner! May we pour out our love on them and bring healing. May we ache to help them and show them our Saviour's love and His hope. How I love the pictures in the Gospels of Jesus tenderly picking up a child as in (Mark
9: 36 And he took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he said to them....)
2 Corinthians 4: 17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, 18 as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.