In the last week I have been asked twice if I am a 'Gogo' (Xhosa for Granny. Of course no one here asked me in Xhosa) In reality I guess I am not far off from the age my Mom was when I had Jessica, my oldest and I guess culturally people here are not used to a lady having a baby of two with a 19 year old on the other end of the age spectrum - so the conclusion is - Jarryn must be your grandson. I am sure the greying hair doesn't help....I have hung out on principal (resisting dying my hair) as I am not ashamed of aging. In other cultures people with grey hair are respected more, it is seen as a passing into the age of wisdom! :) SO I guess I should not be so shocked that I have been asked twice in the last week if I am a 'Gogo'
Anyhow I did feel decrepit going to the knee specialist today- key hole surgery to be done on Monday, for ongoing issues that I have had for years. Monday....not because it is that urgent but it happens to be convenient for the surgeon and for me too. No one wants to be sore for Christmas so he had space to do me straight away, and besides it suits me in that I have my parents staying with me right now now to help,
Please pray I will have peace and that I will be able to get everything organised before Monday. All Christmas things will need to be finished off ( nearly done!) Cars need to go in for servicing and a big grocery shop done etc Pray also that the children will have peace, and remain settled. When I was ill with the miscarriage a few months ago the children were quite unsettled....I am hoping that Granny's stability will help. Also Doug will have time off between Christmas and New Year, so the timing could not be more perfect!
Below is a glance at our toiletries bought last week...giggle ....for a small shopping expedition, although we were very low on toiletries! Once my knee is done I will be able to push trolleys again without any pain or jamming- yippee! At present I always have to take a strapping young lad with to help with the trolley....which I rather enjoy in any case!