Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Grace Gem's Today: Go to Him just as you are--and receive from Him all you need!

I can truely testify to God's goodness this last week, as He has brought us through our hardest trial ever, please continue to remember us! Here is the Grace Gem devotional that I came home to read after a very, very long day!

(James Smith, "The Pastor's Morning Visit")

"Come unto Me." Matthew 11:28

Jesus calls you to His throne of grace. He is there waiting to hear, relieve and bless you. You are to go to Him just as you are--and receive from Him all you need.

He will give you:
wisdom--to direct your steps;
peace--to keep your hearts;
strength--to do His will;
righteousness--to justify your souls;
and rest--unspeakably sweet.

He is glorified in bestowing these blessings upon you. He calls you this morning, this moment--to receive all you need--without money and without price. What a precious Savior is Jesus! What a kind and tender Friend!

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16

"Come!" He says, "Come to Me! Do not go to SELF, to the world, to the empty cisterns which creatures idolize; but come unto Me, and I will do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine!
Your sins--I will pardon;
your graces--I will revive;
your comforts--I will restore;
your holiness--I will increase;
your efforts to glorify Me--I will crown with success;
I will bless you--and you shall be a blessing!"

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We have posted Samuel Davies insightful sermon, "The Success of the Ministry of the Gospel, Owing to a Divine Influence

Grace Gems (choice ELECTRONIC books, sermons & quotes)

Grace Audio Treasures (choice AUDIO sermons)

Sovereign Grace Treasures (choice PRINTED books)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Grace Gems devotional for today: Do not be anxious

He cannot love you more!

(James Smith, "The Pastor's Morning Visit")

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

The Lord cares for His children!

He knows our needs--and has promised to supply them.
He knows our foes--and will deliver us from them.
He knows our fears--and will make us ashamed of them.

All creatures and things are in His hand, and at His disposal; all circumstances are under His absolute control. He . . .
directs the angel,
feeds the sparrow,
curbs the devil, and
manages the tempest!

He is your Father--and His love to you is infinite. You are His delight--His dear child. Will He neglect you? Impossible! Cast then your cares upon Him. Tell out all your desires, fears, and troubles to Him; let Him know everything; keep nothing back. And then in the confidence of faith, expect Him to fulfill His Word, and act a Parent's part.

Bless Him for all He has given, for all He has promised. Plead with Him for all you may need. But never for one moment, or under any circumstances, distrust Him! He cannot love you more! He is your ever present help. He will rejoice over you to do you good, with His whole heart, and with His whole soul.

"Cast all your care upon Him, because He cares about you!" 1 Peter 5:7

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We have posted Grace Gems for APRIL in one file!

Grace Gems (choice ELECTRONIC books, sermons & quotes)

Grace Audio Treasures (choice AUDIO sermons)

Sovereign Grace Treasures (choice PRINTED books)

Mother Hen Close...

How good to know that nothing can take us away from the love of our God, that He nestles his children close like a mother hen with chicks beneath her wings.